Non-Religious Belief Groups

One of the aims of Inter Faith Week is increasing dialogue between religious and non-religious groups, and people from both religious and non-religious backgrounds are warmly welcomed to take part.

Published 8 August 2022

National and Regional Inter Faith Organisations

Inter Faith Week provides a great opportunity for inter faith organisations to highlight the inter faith work they carry out year-round and to draw new people into this.

Published 8 August 2022

Local Inter Faith Organisations

Local inter faith bodies are involved in inter faith work all year round, but having a single Week where most inter faith groups and faith forums are taking part provides a focal point for the public, opening up inter faith activity to a wider audience.

Published 8 August 2022

Local authorities

Inter Faith Week is a tremendous opportunity to demonstrate and strengthen links with your diverse local community and to encourage new links and partnerships which contribute to integration and cohesion.

Published 8 August 2022


Inter Faith Week provides a great opportunity to connect with faith communities within the local community which you serve.

Published 8 August 2022

Fire and Rescue Services

Fire and Rescue Services (FRS) are well known for their commitment to engaging with local communities in all parts of the country.

Published 8 August 2022

Ambulance Services

Inter Faith Week provides a great opportunity to connect with faith communities and belief groups within the local community which you serve.

Published 8 August 2022


Inter Faith Week is a great opportunity to increase religion and belief literacy and deepen understanding of the importance of the faith and beliefs of patients and staff.

Published 8 August 2022


Inter Faith Week is an excellent opportunity for hospices to strengthen their links with local faith and belief groups and enable their work to become more widely understood and supported.

Published 8 August 2022


Inter Faith Week offers an excellent opportunity for chaplaincies to reach out, bring people together, and showcase the work that they do.

Published 8 August 2022

Workplaces and businesses

Inter Faith Week provides workplaces and businesses with a unique opportunity to engage with diversity and equalities and to encourage religious literacy and positive relations in the workplace.

Published 8 August 2022

Sports organisations

Inter Faith Week can be a great time to initiate inter faith sports programmes or celebrate those that are already going

Published 8 August 2022

Museums, galleries, and archives

Inter Faith Week is a tremendous opportunity to highlight aspects of your collection which relate to the different religious communities in the UK and also develop and strengthen local community stakeholder links.

Published 8 August 2022


Every library is different and can make a unique contribution to Inter Faith Week!

Published 8 August 2022

Young people and Youth Groups

Inter Faith Week is a fantastic platform for those wanting to highlight diversity, inclusion, equality and respectful engagement and is for those of non-religious as well as religious beliefs.

Published 8 August 2022

Higher and Further Education Chaplaincies

Chaplaincies attached to educational institutions are ideally placed to bring together students and faith groups for Inter Faith Week activities

Published 8 August 2022

Students’ Unions and Religion and Belief Societies

Inter Faith Week is a fantastic platform for encouraging understanding and cooperation between students of different religious and non-religious backgrounds

Published 8 August 2022


Inter Faith Week is timed to begin each year on Remembrance Sunday, to encourage people to remember together the service of people of all faiths and none, and to think about peace

Inter Faith Week 2020: Connection, learning and cooperation at the time of COVID

A report on a remarkable and inspiring week

Published 15 September 2021

Key messages

This page gives 'key messages' about Inter Faith Week nationally for use when speaking or writing about the Week.

Published 24 August 2021

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